I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. John 8:12

The effects of the civil wars in Liberia are still being felt today. Countless children were left orphaned and homeless. Their parents had been killed and their homes burned to the ground.
Many children went into hiding, not knowing where to turn. They were left to fend for themselves, living on the streets without food, water or shelter.
Pastor Grigsby and his wife Emma saw how the children were suffering so they decided to open up their home to the orphaned children.
Word spread throughout the community, and it wasn't long before people began bringing more and more children in need of shelter to their home. This quickly led to a need for more space and resources.
In December 2000, Pastor Grigsby and Emma began the process of building Lighthouse Ministries Children's Village in Liberia
Today, there are 15 dedicated staff, 5 teachers and several volunteers who care for the 50+ children at LMCV Liberia.
In 2017, the US Based LMCV America became a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Since then, we have raised funds to enable completion of the water tower, structural improvements to buildings and facilities, many improvements to the educational environment, construction of a security fence, electrical power installation via small generators and a move to solar power generation as a primary power source.
The needs are many, but we will continue to pursue our goal and the mission of LMCV one step at a time.
We hope you are inspired to support the children and our mission. Please give today. Thank you for visiting.